WordCamp Lausanne 2019 - CC BYSA Christoph von Siebenthal

Call for Workshop Leaders

[→ Version française]

Geneva will be hosting one of the first face-to-face WordCamps since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in less than two months. The organisers are obviously very eager to bring the WordPress community back together and offer an event that will hopefully mark a return to « normal life ».

WordCamp Genève 2022 will differ from the previous Swiss events of the kind in Switzerland in several respects. The organisers did not start from scratch, as this event is, in fact, a transfer of the Geneva WordCamp initially scheduled for March 2020. The speakers who had already been selected for this event were contacted again. Many of them were pleased to answer the call. Some of them maintained the subject of their talk; others chose new topics or decided to transform their presentation into a practical workshop. So we managed to put together an attractive schedule that would be of interest to as many people as possible, from newcomers to the world of WordPress to the most experienced users.

For this reason, WordCamp Genève 2022 is not making a call for speakers. However, it is eager to welcome three additional people who would like to lead a workshop. This format allows the presentation of a topic related to WordPress, followed by a practical workshop where the participants can apply what they have just learned. 

The other particularity of the WordCamp Genève 2022 is the integration of the « Contribution » component in this day’s schedule. There will be no « Contribution Day » before the WordCamp, as planned in 2020. Instead, Jean-Baptiste Audras will lead a « Contribution workshop » at the beginning of the WordCamp. He will then explain to interested people how to contribute to WordPress and give some practical examples. The event also includes a « Happiness Bar » set up at « The Table ». Attendees can come here to ask all sorts of questions (and get answers!) about WordPress or continue discussions around the contribution topics.

Workshop leaders, please sign up for the remaining vacancies in the schedule before 9 March. And « WordPress friends », be sure to reserve the date of April 9th for a great day (and evening, of course, for the traditional « After-Party »!) devoted to WordPress.

Image WordCamp Lausanne 2018 – CC BYSA 2.0 Christoph von Siebenthal

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