Jetpack: Many thanks to our Gold Sponsor / Merci à notre sponsor Gold

We warmly thank Jetpack for the ongoing support to the WordPress community and our event. We couldn’t have made WordCamp Genève 2022 possible at such a low price for attendees without this generosity.

Nous remercions chaleureusement Jetpack pour le soutien continu en faveur de la communauté WordPress et de notre événement. Nous n’aurions pu organiser le WordCamp Genève 2022 à des conditions aussi favorables pour les participants sans ce généreux soutien.

  • Safer, faster WordPress. Jetpack is a powerful collection of security and performance tools made for WordPress sites by the WordPress experts.

    • Proven security tools keep your site backed up, online, and hack-free.
    • Fast-loading pages mean happier visitors.
    • Everything in a single package — so you can focus on your business.

    Learn how Jetpack helps you secure and speed up your site at